Here are the latest pics of the kittens my daughter and I adopted. Once again they are making themselves quite comfortable on my bed! I guess the flash of the camera woke them from their little catnap, as you can tell my Meesha's big stretch! But the top photo is of Meesha sleeping in one of the cubbyholes of my computer desk...she's getting a little too 'leggy' for it now by the looks of it! lol This is her spot while I'm puttering around on my computer. Aww, I wonder what she will do when she can no longer fit in the cubbyhole? We just had the kittens spayed last weekend and they're doing great. They are now 5 1/2 months old. They are such precious loving cats & we're so glad that we decided to adopt them. They have fit in so well with the rest of the brood too...Moody my lilac siamese, Joseph Toes my 26 toed polydactyl, Sophie my American/German Rottweiler & Teddy my Great Pyrenees/border collie. I must take some new pics of the rest of the zoo & add them to my blog sometime soon.