Yep, he has 8 more toes than the average feline! lol One of my fellow Calendargirlz was interested in seeing a picture of my 26 toed cat, Joe Toes. He has 7 toes on his front paws and 6 on his back paws. It's not easy trying to take a picture of the paws of a cat while he's rubbing and rolling around! lol But, I managed to get these two pics of him and his big clodhoppers! So, there you are Lisa, introducing Sir Joseph Toes! I wasn't able to get a good shot of his crab-like claws, but one is just peeking out of his left thumb. in the bottom picture. His inside thumbs have huge claws shaped like crab's claws. His thumbs on his front paws actually have 3 toes, with 4 toes on the main area of his paw.