Out of the blue I got this idea to create a series of spreads by selecting images of women, but with each one I would alter their eyes to create their mood, and then paint the backgrounds to suit. I've titled this series "Windows to the Soul". I have all kinds of pictures selected, as I plan on creating a lot of spreads using female images, at least until I get tired of it! lol
These three spreads are what I've completed so far.
The top spread is titled "Forest Maiden". In it I tried to give the woman an innocent doe-like look with the eyes I used for her. The middle spread "Lonesome Christmas", is of a woman alone in her castle on Christmas Eve awaiting the arrival of her love...but he is very late, and she's not looking too impressed about it!
And lastly, the bottom spread, titled "The Secret", is about a woman, and quite the actress too BTW, that leads a very secret life!
Well, now I am off to finish more spreads that I've already got in the works! Such fun! :)