The injury to my left shoulder has been bothering me a lot today, so I have kept things simple. This afternoon I have been sitting on my bed sifting through a bunch of old magazines. I've been cutting out neat patterns, clothing and faces to use for a book I am creating on my fictious "Planet Electra" and its inhabitants. My cat Angel, seeing that I was on my bed decided to join me and have a wee catnap. Getting up to make myself a cup of tea, I noticed that she didn't budge a whisker, so I grabbed my camera and took pictures of her. The above pictures are what I snapped, one right after the other. from top to bottom. As you can see, she is fast asleep in the top pic, then in the middle pic she's got her eyes barely open looking towards me, then in the last photo I took, she's fast asleep again. What a life! lol Angel aka "Madame Pudding" is such a precious, loving cat. Something as simple as seeing her contentedly snoozing warms my heart and puts a soft smile on my face. Well, off I go, back to my Planet Electra and to sit with Angel....