Finally, some new photos! My gosh, it's been almost two months since I've blogged?!? This is ridiculous, I'd better smarten up! lol Anyhow, here are some pics of the pages I've altered in Daphne's calendar journal. This is the first journal I have to work in for our Calendargirlz round robin this year. It seems that I can't go without these calendar journal RRs in my life. I'm starting to lose count, but I believe that this is year 6 or 7 for me. I just can't seem to get it out of my blood! lol
The top 3 photos are of what I have created so far in Daphne's CJ. The top pic is a spread based on Daphne's Chinese Astrology sign, the Tiger. In the bottom two pieces I have added a doily handmade by my Grandmother. I sprayed the doily with 'Color Mists'. To honor our new found friendship Daphne and I have, I added this little saying to the single page with the doily: "Friendship is to be cherished like the lacework your Grandmother made." I liked the way the doily turned out, so I used one for a spread in my own 'stay @ home' art journal.
Which leads me to the bottom pic. Long story short....I placed the doily on a piece of cardboard that I have been using for gluing on for eons, and loved the pattern that it left after spraying it with the 'Color Mists'. The cardboard already has a lot of buildup, giving it a nice textured feel to it. So, now I am in the process of making another art journal, using it for the cover.
I have more updating to do, and photos to add over the next couple of days. So, stay tuned. Happy art journaling, and creating whatever your heart desires!
V :)