Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mucking around with my blog....

I always seem to be changing the background on my blog. But today I decided to make a new banner for it, making a collage with some of my art along with an image of Madam Pudding, my art assistant extraordinaire! lol

Caught napping

Moody, my daughter Tessas lilac Siamese can always be found cuddling up to something or someone warm. Any heat source will do! Here he is, cuddling into Angel aka Madam Pudding....catching a few ZZZs while catching a few rays of sun coming through my bedroom window.

Prepping my new art journal....

After a long long spell of having a big creative block I've started going to town again. I've started a new art journal; a bigger one than I am normally used to working in, with pages 8W x 11H. It's a spiral bound journal with the left-hand pages being blank and the right-hand pages being lined. Above are 5 spreads I have started. A few more visual additions to be done, then I can get down to the journaling part of these spreads! I can't stand it when I have these creative blocks; so I am so relieved and happy to be playing once again! :D