Sunday, March 22, 2009

Next personal journal entry...

'Morning all! Above is my latest addition in my handmade personal journal. This spread was inspired by an incredible artist friend, Toni. Her vivid and lush imagination never fails to blow me away. The inspiration she gave me put in mind a special memory that I hold close to my heart. It's of times spent as a little girl in the vast garden behind my Auntie Gert's great stone house. The cat I used in my little story is one of the cats I have now; and yes, her name is Angel Pudding! I have added a photo of her.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another personal journal prompts spread...

'Afternoon all! I've completed a second personal journal prompts spreads posted in the calendargirlz group. I've used the prompts: stencils, and a paperdoll. I'm looking forward to playing with more of these personal journal prompts in the future! It has been a very long time since I've used a fairy them and it was fun! Above is my latest spread.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Personal Journal Prompts spread...

Today I worked on a spread in my personal journal. I've combined three of the Calendargirlz journal prompts juliet posted for us to play with. The prompts I used were: a favourite quote, the colours aqua, berry, tangerine and black, and, to use stitching on our page(s). I don't sew very much, so I created a blanket stitch border using a black permanent ink pen. Above is what I've created using these prompts, and I had a lot of fun creating it!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Nite nite, sleep tight...

I am burning the midnight oil tonight, working on a spread in my art journal, and playing around with photos on Photoshop. I decided that I needed a hot cup of tea, and on my way downstairs to the kitchen, I noticed that my beloved Rottweiler "Sophie" had already received a visit from Mr. Sandman. So I had to capture her with my camera as she was losing the battle to stay awake! lol

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March with the Calendargirlz...

'Evening everyone!
This month I have Terry's CJ
to play in. I became so inspired by
the "bird" theme of her journal, that
I took only three days to complete my
spreads in it. Above are the photos
of what I created for her.