Today I worked on a spread in my personal journal. I've combined three of the Calendargirlz journal prompts juliet posted for us to play with. The prompts I used were: a favourite quote, the colours aqua, berry, tangerine and black, and, to use stitching on our page(s). I don't sew very much, so I created a blanket stitch border using a black permanent ink pen. Above is what I've created using these prompts, and I had a lot of fun creating it!
Luscious page, like a sparkling bowl of berries, and I LOVE berries!!! ... I somehow missed the 'tangerine' color (I read it as turquoise, duh!) and it adds such a bright note. I may have to go back to my spread and add some of that color. I so envy you ANY actual stitching ability and I love what it does to a page texturally and dimensionally. MORE! MORE!
Your personal journal looks very enticing and inviting--it seems to be beckoning me to take a leisurely browse. Love what I can see, Vale. You are so talented!
This is one of your best spreads ever, Vale! Good work! Love the blanket stitch border!
Hi girlz!
Thank you for your wonderful comments on my journal prompts spread! They are all so very appreciated, and an inspiration for me to create more art.
Marilyn, you mentioning the blanket stitch border, reminded me that I am working in my book I call "The Big Book of the 2 Bs" for buttons, beads and blanket stitch! My goal is to add at least on of them to each spread I create...I had to go back to the one I just posted to add one, the blanket stitch edging! lol
Again, to the three of you, thanks so much!
Vale :)
Your pages are great. Love your style and compositions.
Blessings, peace, and love to you,
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