Friday, April 10, 2009

Operiaa Sigh & The Books of Odd

Hi again all! Other things that I have been working on these past few months are additional volumes to go with my first "Book of Odd". Volume #1 would no longer lay flat when fully open. lol Above is a photo of volumes 2, 3 & 4. I still have to post a pic of book 5, my skinny version of The Book of Odd.

So the top photo is of a spread I created in book #2. I created a fictional character from the distant planet Electra, a twin planet of Earth. The name of my character is "Operiaa Sigh". And, of course she sings opera! With a name like that, she should! lol When Operiaa sings to someone, she can unlock their past lives and tell them their full life story. Earthlings find her quite enchanting!

1 comment:

Cat said...

These are so beautiful! I love the idea of operaa sigh ( I hope I spelled that correctly)and her power. What an awesome "super" power and what an awesome responsibility to have.