Saturday, June 27, 2009

New journals...

I woke up early this morning and began making a new personal journal for myself. So far I've done the inside and outside cover. The bottom photo is of the back and front of the journal. The top two photos are of the cover and inside cover of a journal I have started that I've titled "Altered Chronicles". I am trying to figure out exactly what I want the "feel" of the chronicles to be like....kind of like a journal left behind that was happened upon; found writings from a time in Africa someone has chronicled about. I dream of having the luxury of a long visit in Africa!


Karen Campbell said...

I like the look and feel already, Vale!

Vale said...

Karen, thanks! Now the trick is to keep with that look and feel! lol
Vale :)

Mary S. Hunt said...

your work is just lovely
i had marked your other blog and noticed it was stagnant
and 'lo n behol' you have another one!
glad i looked