Monday, May 21, 2007


This is the final page I created in Karen BP's calendar journal. I used a poem that I wrote a while back titled 'Slow Walk'....

Slow walk. A shroud of silence.
Unaware, yet aware of
A misty cloak of rain.
To each a blanket of grey security.
Rain, delicate and cool falls
Onto two solo faces
Pondering and drawn inward
To that hallowed place
Of oneness, solitude.
Yet, the pondering of each
Is of the other:
Chemical tension
Side by side
Alone, together.
Canopied in green indifference
Trees surround them
Under purple-bellied clouds.
And the slow walk continues
down Destiny's path....

Friday, May 18, 2007


All day yesterday all I could think about was how my artwork saves my sanity. So, last night I got out my paints and sat down to my drafting table and just started to paint. This image is what I came up with, so far. When I get some more time to myself when I'm off work, I plan on adding some words and designs to the page. Creating art is my soul's sanity.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Over the weekend I created 2 more spreads in Karen BP's calendar journal. In the top spread titled 'The Calling' I created another one of my 'papermonzsters'. The words reflect how I have been feeling lately.
In the bottom spread, the photo I used on the left reminded me of my Auntie Gert's amazing flower garden she had out behind her house when I was a little girl. It was an absolutely magical place, and I meandered through it for hours and hours. Surrounded by incredibly vibrant colours, I would smell and examine all the pretty flowers, some of which towered well above me. What a lovely memory!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I received Karen BPs gorgeous ledger style journal this week to work in for the month of May. This is the first spread I've created in her book. I found the center image of Queen Elizabeth in one of my local newspapers Thursday and really loved the atmosphere of the photograph. Queen Elizabeth is currently visiting the US, so I thought since Karen lives in the US, and my family is from England, I'd create this spread around Her Majesty, The Queen!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I've been wanting to create a journal cover that is funky and full of colour, with lots to look at and touch. So today I sat down and played with a small 6 x 6 inch journal. I've been wanting to use a small book to do artwork and journal in. So this one was just the right size and shape to use for my idea. I've titled this art journal 'Perchance To Dream'. Woven into the spine is an armadillo. A flower, fish and dragonflies dangle from the fibers. On the cover are 3D flowers and ladybug, and an Inukshuck stone. I find Inukshuks fascinating works of art, and, they have a grand purpose behind them too! Life has thrown me some mean curves over the past 3 months, so hopefully this Inukshuk stone will give me good direction and guide me safely into the future....
The Inukshuk (pronounced IN-OOK-SHOOK) meaning "in the image of man", are magnificent lifelike figures of stone which were erected by the Inuit people and are unique to the Canadian Arctic. Standing along Canada's most northern shores, they endure as eternal symbols of leadership, encouraging the importance of friendship and reminding us of our dependence upon one another.
In the Baffin region of Canada's Arctic, the traditional meaning of an Inukshuk was to act as a compass or guide for a safe journey. The Inukshuk, like ancient trackers, helped guide people seeking their way through the wilderness. An Inukshuk on land with two arms and legs means there is a valley. At the end of this valley, you will be able to go in two directions. Today, this serves as a reminder that we always have a choice in the direction we choose to take in our lives.
Erected to make the way easier and safer for those who follow, an Inukshuk represents safety and nourishment, trust and reassurance. The Inukshuk guided people across the frozen tundra and gave them hope in barren places to handle hardships they encountered. These primitive, stone images showed the way ahead... pointing you in the direction you wanted to go. Had they been able to speak, I am certain they would have said... "Here is the road. It is safe. You can meet the demands that this path holds. You can reach your goals and attain your vision of where you want to be."

Wednesday, May 2, 2007