Friday, April 10, 2009

Operiaa Sigh & The Books of Odd

Hi again all! Other things that I have been working on these past few months are additional volumes to go with my first "Book of Odd". Volume #1 would no longer lay flat when fully open. lol Above is a photo of volumes 2, 3 & 4. I still have to post a pic of book 5, my skinny version of The Book of Odd.

So the top photo is of a spread I created in book #2. I created a fictional character from the distant planet Electra, a twin planet of Earth. The name of my character is "Operiaa Sigh". And, of course she sings opera! With a name like that, she should! lol When Operiaa sings to someone, she can unlock their past lives and tell them their full life story. Earthlings find her quite enchanting!

April with the Calendargirlz...

Here are my latest additions to the Calendargirlz round robin. For the month of April I am working in juliet's CJ.

Artwork & injury...

Happy weekend everyone! I hope you all enjoying beautiful spring weather like I am today here in Ontario! I've been off work for a few weeks now due to a shoulder injury, and will still be off work for a few more weeks. Sadly, it is my left shoulder; and I'm left-handed, so I won't be able to spend time creating for a while. But I do have loads of artwork I have neglected to add to my blog. So, I will do that for the time being. Boy, typing with one hand is a l-o-n-g drawn out process! Anyhow, I will be adding some of my art I've created over the past month+, starting this evening! So have a gander if you wish! With warm hugs from Vale :)