Monday, October 19, 2009

Calendargirlz journal additions for October...

Finally! After a month of no inspiration, and zero creativity, my muse finally gave me a good shake and woke me up! Above are the spreads I've created in Lizbeth's calendar journal. And I had a blast playing in Lizbeth's journal! Gosh, it's good to be back. Sadly, it is the final calendar journal I had to work in for our 2009 calendar journal round robin. But, we already have our players in place for our 2010 round robin, and I so look forward to another year of sharing with the rest of the girls in the Calendargirlz group! Happy calendar journaling!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Calendargirlz journal additions for September...

Above are my latest calendar journal round robin entries. This time around I played in Patty's journal. Our round robin will soon be coming to an end. Only two more CJs to play in for this year! It's been loads of fun so far!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Art Journaling squared....

I've found that there are times when I have the desire to work on square pages, so today I've made another journal, an 9" x 9" square with a wide spine. The little window on the cover holds a print of a whimsical picture I drew of myself, the Journal Gypsy, when I first started altering books several years ago.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Found Works....

Well, not really. "Found Works from the Lost Libraries of Grey Matter" is actually my new "reclaimed journal". I've taken an old ledger-style journal of mine, removed all the finished spreads and added them to another ledger. Left was an empty ledger to begin playing with. So far I have completed the cover, pictured above. What was a really neat find for this journal, was a ribbon that says "survivor" on it, which holds the journal the journal was not lost, it survived! lol

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Midnight rain...

A dandy thunderstorm came through around midnight last night. The lightning was pretty intense, so I didn't open my window to take this shot of the rain, so I ended up with a bit of a double image. Nevertheless, I like a good rainstorm, so I kept the photo.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Introducing Joseph Toes, the 26 toed wonder!

Yep, he has 8 more toes than the average feline! lol One of my fellow Calendargirlz was interested in seeing a picture of my 26 toed cat, Joe Toes. He has 7 toes on his front paws and 6 on his back paws. It's not easy trying to take a picture of the paws of a cat while he's rubbing and rolling around! lol But, I managed to get these two pics of him and his big clodhoppers! So, there you are Lisa, introducing Sir Joseph Toes! I wasn't able to get a good shot of his crab-like claws, but one is just peeking out of his left thumb. in the bottom picture. His inside thumbs have huge claws shaped like crab's claws. His thumbs on his front paws actually have 3 toes, with 4 toes on the main area of his paw.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My girl

This is the love of my life, my Rottweiler Sophie, on her new pillow. Although it seems that the cats prefer it, and she prefers my bed!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


While on my nighttime walk with my beloved Rottweiler Sophia, I grabbed this quick photo of the full moon with my camera, using just a regular lens. I love the silence of the night and moon gazing.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Latest work in the 2009 Calendar Journal RR...

This month I have been playing in Jo's CJ. I have been finding that I've been going on binges using the same techniques for days upon days. So with each spread in Jo's journal a tried something different.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Personal Art Journal additions...

Now that my computer is running smooth and fast, and with out shutting down on me a billion times a day, I am able to upload pics of the pages I have been creating in my personal art journal. Here are a few of the latest spreads I've completed. So far my journal seems to be a collection of art journaling pages, and my Papermonzsters I've given character to.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Calendargirlz journal additions for July...

Above are my latest contributions to the Calendargirlz round robin. This month I played in Gina's journal. For most of the month I haven't been very cretive, but I finally got my act together this past week, thank goodness!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


After a far too long creative slump, I have finally broken through and created some work in one of my personal journals. The page above is one that I have completed. I have a few more that I am currently in the process of completing. It's been a while since I have created one of my whimsical papermonzsters like the one above. Why I call them "papermonzsters" is because they have wings and fins, so they can both fly the heavens and swim to the deepest depths of the ocean. I feel so free and easy when creating them, and find that they give me a sense of quiet serenity. So, I really should be creating these little female beings more often.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

New journals...

I woke up early this morning and began making a new personal journal for myself. So far I've done the inside and outside cover. The bottom photo is of the back and front of the journal. The top two photos are of the cover and inside cover of a journal I have started that I've titled "Altered Chronicles". I am trying to figure out exactly what I want the "feel" of the chronicles to be like....kind of like a journal left behind that was happened upon; found writings from a time in Africa someone has chronicled about. I dream of having the luxury of a long visit in Africa!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Nine 4" x 6" cards for RR #7....

Recently I heard about a group "Gluebots". The group sounded like a lot of fun, and has lots of swaps going on. So I joined up, and joined in on RR #7 for the nine 4" x 6" card swap. What a terrific group, thank you Patty! I just finished preparing the last of my nine cards today. I decided to go with a theme for each card. Above are my nine cards, ready to get mailed soon! What fun the were to create!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The consideration of resurrecting the dead and buried Comp Jour....

Over at the Calendargirlz group, we have been discussing personal journaling the past two days, and about keeping our journals or tossing them. I keep all of mine. But one Comp Jour has been sitting on my shelf for a few years now, doing nothing. So, I have decided to resurrect the old and unfinished 2006 Comp Jour. I have taken pages out of it that I want to keep and inserted them into my Comp Jours #1 and #2. And I have quite happily trashed pages that were a part of my "past" life, and that just simply REALLY tick me off! It felt good. Above are a few of the pages I have kept. Out in the garbage with the sad bad stuff, and into my new comp jours with the happy good stuff!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Skyla's Art Box....

Tomorrow my granddaughter turns 5 years old. As she puts it, she loves to do lots of "arting"! I couldn't believe my ears, and smiled to myself when I heard her use the term! So, as part of her birthday gift, I made her this art box to put some of her art supplies in. Inside the box, on the lid is a photo of Sky and me, and on the bottom, is one of my "papermonzsters". She has become quite familiar with her "Yaya's" papermonzsters, and has one on her bedroom wall to scare away any bad dreams!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


This afternoon I had the treat of watching my granddaughter, Sky graduate from her senior kindergarten class. Here are some of the photos I took during the concert they put on for their proud parents and grandparents. From top to bottom:

1) My daughter Kate and very proud Mom with our grad Skyla!
2) Sky getting into the mathematics of a counting song!
3) Here she is having her own personal stretching break in the middle of the concert!
4 & 5) Sky gesturing with her outstretched hand, and hands over her heart to a song the grads are singing.
6) The face of the bright little beauty.
7) Sky on the far left with her graduating class awaiting the call of her name to receive her diploma.

Sky, you are as beautiful as the sky up above, and as bright as the sun! Thank you for such a fun day! Yaya is very proud of you and loves you so much! xoxoxo