Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Personal Journal Prompt: Fave childhood story...

Every month in the Calendargirlz a different group member posts weekly personal journal prompts. It's Toni's turn for the month of April. One of her journal prompts is "your favourite childhood story". Being that I was an only child, surrounded by many adults, boy, I lived in Alice's Wonderland! I'm sure that's where my vast imagination got started, and my love of cats! I adored the Cheshire Cat, and have a cat that resembles him. lol Above is a spread I created for this personal journal prompt.


Cat said...

This is so beautiful. I haven't the words for it.

TonyaA said...

Great imagination. Lovely Work!
Blessings, peace, and love to you,

bluemuf said...

Hi Val, I'm so glad I have your blog address now. I have added you to my google reader so I will know when you have new posts.

Love this piece of artwork, i also love Alice.

Hugs Karen