Friday, April 10, 2009

Artwork & injury...

Happy weekend everyone! I hope you all enjoying beautiful spring weather like I am today here in Ontario! I've been off work for a few weeks now due to a shoulder injury, and will still be off work for a few more weeks. Sadly, it is my left shoulder; and I'm left-handed, so I won't be able to spend time creating for a while. But I do have loads of artwork I have neglected to add to my blog. So, I will do that for the time being. Boy, typing with one hand is a l-o-n-g drawn out process! Anyhow, I will be adding some of my art I've created over the past month+, starting this evening! So have a gander if you wish! With warm hugs from Vale :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

Hope your shoulder is better by now, I had an injury to my shoulder last year and know how debilitating it can be - I'm starting an art journal in a frantic mature way - always look at yours for some reassurance and inspiration.